(Copy and paste into an email to support@launchkits.com)
Your Official Business Name*
CURRENT email address for us to contact you.*
DESIRED email address to notify about LEADS from this page*
Listed phone # for sales/admin to call for this service?*
What is the desired SERVICE HEADLINE*
ex: Welding Fabrication or Hardscaping Services or Commercial Real Estate
What is the main SEO Keyword (1 or 2) you are going after?*
Overview the main service/product this page is for*
Please give us a few sentences we can work with – so we don’t have to re-write and research the content. Typically 300-500 words.
What is the simple 3 or 4-step PROCESS for signing up for this service?*
Please give us details so we can convince them how easy it is to work with you. Be specific. Typically 150-200 words.
Any specific details or features your service includes?*
Do you have quick turnaround, same-day quotes, local techs, contractors or employees, do you have a local expertise etc. Typically 150-200 words.
Suggested: Can you provide a SPECIFIC TESTIMONIAL for this service?
Include what they said – their name, location etc
Do you need a form on this page? If so, PLEASE TELL US FIELDS YOU NEED
Ex: name, email, phone, message box that asks ____ etc
Google and users both like a few
FAQs related to this service. Can you list 3 or 4?*
Ex: Q – do you charge to provide an estimate? A – no, all estimates are free with no obligations.
Upload a few images of this service/ product we can use
What is the next step for an interested visitor to this page?
Book now? Contact us? Ask a question? etc
Do you have a calendly or jobbr quote/schedule embed or iframe.
If yes – paste the HTML embed form data here.