Video Five – Designing a Landing Page
How to Design a Landing Page
Begin on the Dashboard of Elementor
In grey column (on left), choose Pages
*For LaunchKit Customers, you’ll have a ready-made Landing Page available
For everyone else:
Choose “Add New” (top left of page)
Type in a title for your Landing Page (Ad Landing Page)
Scroll down page till you see “Allow Search Engine to share this page in search results?”
Choose “no” (drop-down options)
“Should search engine follow links?”
Choose “no”
Click Publish (top right)
Then go to far left (Home icon) and click back to main Pages menu
Find your “Ad landing Page” (or whatever you named it) and click “Quick Edit”
Check the Status (should be “published”)
Check Template and choose “Elementor Full Width” (drop-down menu)
Click Update (far right)
How to Choose a Landing Page
Right-click (to open in new tab) on Edit
Click on “Edit with Elementor“ (top of page in the header)
Go to design box in the body of the page and click on the folder icon
Search “Landing” (search bar on top right)
Pick from the library of ready-made design options to customize
Click “Insert”
How to Customize Landing Page
Once template is inserted on your page, click on headline
Change text to whatever you desire
Click on tagline (underneath headline) and change text
Click on image
In left column, click on image to choose a different picture from your downloads
Click on button to select and change text in the button (in left column)
How to Edit Sections and Text
To remove a template section, right-click on any section and click the “x” (delete icon)
Any section with separate text boxes can be dragged to a different order
To edit content of any section, right-click and edit text from left column
To edit text in boxes, just click on the box and type new text
To add a header inside an existing section, just drag a header from the left column to where you want it
To change how your text is lining up in a text box, go to left column and type “<br>” to create a break and put text on next line
To make one part of your text bold, type “<b>” before it
To link to another page, go to link (in left column) and type “/page/“ (type any page name)
If you want to duplicate a particular section, right-click on section and “copy” for later
When you find where you want to have that saved section, right-click and paste
To make text uniform or change it as a whole, go to Style tab and choose any option under “Transform” and use the slider to change the size
To change a button’s features, make sure you select the button and then go to Style tab and change Border Color or Hover Animation to reflect your choices
To see your business’s main colors, go to Hamburger menu (top left of grey column) and choose “Default Colors”
To change a section’s background color, go to Style tab and choose coordinating color under Background drop-down box.. you can choose from default colors your business has already chosen
How to Create a Photo Gallery
Right-click on photo section and select “Edit photo”
Click on Widget (top right of grey column) and search “Carousel” and select
Click on photo spot to choose multiple photos from your downloads file and Insert
In grey column, choose display options
Change image size as you like (uniform sizing to fill out available space) under “Custom”
Slides to Show means how many will display at one time
Image Stretch, choose “yes” to make sure each image fills the box
How to Create an Anchor Link
Go to Link (in left column) and type “#go”
Choose location (on the landing page) you wish that button to get directed, such as “Pricing Plans”
Right-click and “Edit Section”
In left column, choose Advanced tab
In CSS ID, type “go”
Now when you press the button at the top of the page, it will automatically scroll down to “Pricing Plans”
How to Add a Form
In left column, drag “Form” to a box on your page and drop it where you want
Right-click and “edit form”
Name Form “Lead 2 Form” (no one will ever see the name, just for organizing purposes)
Click on each box you wish to edit. You can change the type of box it is (email, name, phone #, etc) , the label (the text above each box), the placeholder (grey text inside box), whether the field is required to submit form
You can change one of your fields to a radio button so they can choose their preferences
Customize each drop-down section: Submit Button, Actions After Submit, Email, and Additional Options (see How to Program a Form for more Info.)
How to Program a Form
Right-click on the form (from your template)
In grey column under Form Fields (drop-down section) change Form Name to “Lead Form”
Go to Submit Button (drop-down section) and change button text to something less generic
Make any other edits to color and size
Under Actions After Submit (drop-down section) you can add extra actions like sending an email or redirecting them to another page as a “success action” for pressing the button
Under Email (drop-down section), put your business email in text box
Create a catchy subject line that will catch customer’s attention
Fill in a “From Email” (generic, no-reply)
Under “Additional Instructions” (drop-down section) you can customize your messages
How to Create Landing Page from Scratch
In design box (center of the page) click on the folder icon
Go to “Blocks” header
In drop-down list labeled Category, you’ll find all the options you’ll need to create your own Landing Page style
Type “Hero” to find templates for the top of the page
Type “About” for a template that highlights why someone would want to work with you
Type “Features” to explain what you business offers
Type “Services” to list off everything you provide
Decide where you could use an Anchor Link and follow those instructions
How to Create Views on Different Devices
At bottom of left column, choose Desktop view
To change header size, use Minimum Height slider as desired
To change fonts or colors, go to Style tab (left column) to change
To change spacing, right-click on problem section and go to Advanced tab and change Padding numbers until you like what you see
To change background photo, go to main section tab and right-click
In left column, click on photo to choose new background from downloads (under 400kb)
Change view to Mobile (bottom of grey column)
Make sure all the elements you added to your landing page (in desktop view) fit properly in Mobile view
Right-click on section that needs work and change your design in left column
To fix heading size, go to Style tab
Use slider in Typography to change size of heading
To change alignment, go to Style tab, Content drop-down section and choose how you want each text box to look in mobile view
Save Changes
How to Grab a Link
Start in Elementor Home Page
Click “View” under chosen Landing Page
Copy the URL that comes up when in viewing mode
How to Add Landing Page to Footer Menu
Begin on Home page
Click on Appearances, then Menus
Go to Select a Menu to Edit drop-down list and choose “Footer”
Checkmark your Landing page (in the list of Pages under “Add Menu Items”) and “Add to Menu”
Drag Landing Page to desired placement among other menu items
Click “Save Menu” (far right)
How to Remove Website Headers/Footers from Landing Page (& Create one of its own)
In Home Page, click “Quick Edit”
Under template choose “Elementor Canvas” (drop-down menu), and “Update”
Original Header/Footer is removed
Go to design box on your landing page and click the “+” icon and add a two-section box
Click the widget (left column)
Drag a heading to your new two-section box
Type in unique text (“Ready? Call us now! (000) 000-0000)
Drag and drop site logo into other section and pick one from your downloads folder
Drag margins of text boxes to fit your space as desired